The Young Mothers Transition Program (YMTP) in southeast region of Melbourne has been given philanthropic funding from three generous funders to … [Read more...]
Young Well Beings program launched
This is a free digital, interactive course, created for young mothers to improve their mental health literacy. It was also co-designed with lived … [Read more...]
Evaluation of AYPPN’s Symposium 2023
If you attended our Symposium, please let us know how we did (by end October). … [Read more...]
NSW announces $9m for young parents
Young women and their children in south-western Sydney will be assisted with funding for a support app, a digital platform for information and … [Read more...]
Dietary requirements
AYPPN Symposium 12-13 October 2023
Our 2023 AYPPN National Symposium planning is well underway and we have a great lineup of speakers, a panel of young parents, workshops and more. … [Read more...]