Prevalence and distribution of unintended pregnancy: Understanding Fertility Management in Australia National Survey, Heather Rowe et al article published in the Australian & New Zealand Journal of Public Health
SKYS 2Faze and Young Parents program. Case Study. Plows, V and Bottrell, D and Te Riele, K (2014) Other. The Victoria Institute for Education, Diversity and Lifelong Learning, Melbourne.
What it takes – Supporting pregnant and parenting young people, Kay Boulden, Association of Women Educators Sept 2010. Outcomes of 2009 Conference. Includes key messages and recommendations for service delivery including a national approach to reducing the incidence of unintended teen pregnancy and improving outcomes for pregnant and parenting young people (including young fathers) and their children be developed, as a matter of urgency.
Strengths of Young Parents Project Literature Review, Richard Fletcher & Jennifer StGeorge, Family Action Centre, University of Newcastle ~2008
Opportunity for Change: Young Motherhood & Homelessness, Deborah Keys, 2007 Key Centre for Women’s Health in Society, University of Melbourne in collaboration with Family Access Network.
Healthy Young Parents in Education (HYPE) SHineSA, 2007 Report on the program started in 2003 to improve the educational, social and physical health and wellbeing outcomes for teenage mothers and their infants through increasing school retention and social inclusion.
Shaw M, Lawlor DA and Najman JM. 2006. Teenage Children of Teenage Mothers: Psychological, Behavioural and Health Outcomes from an Australian Prospective Longitudinal Study. Social Science and Medicine, 62 10: 2526-2539
Evans, A. Education and the resolution of teenage pregnancy in Australia [online]. Health Sociology Review: The Journal of the Health Section of the Australian Sociological Association, Vol. 13, No. 1, 2004 Sep: 27-42.
Various research projects and articles on Teen Pregnancy, The Rand Corporation – a research organisation that ‘develops solutions to public policy challenges to help make communities throughout the world safer and more secure, healthier and more prosperous.’
UK Teenage Pregnancy Independent Advisory Group – Final Report 2010 – Past successes – future challenges
Decision Rightness and Emotional Responses to Abortion in the United States: a Longitudinal Study Rocca CH et al Conclusion: Women experienced decreasing emotional intensity over time, and the overwhelming majority of women felt that termination was the right decision for them over three years.