The Victorian State Government has made sex and relationships education compulsory to year 10 and the Department of Education & Early Childhood Development’s Building Respectful Relationships, Stepping Out Against Gender-based Violence, June 2014, provides:
….. a set of sequential teaching activities to educate secondary school students about gender, violence and respectful relationships. It is one part of a larger strategy to assist schools in meeting state and federal initiatives to prevent violence against women. The resource is designed to provide curriculum advice as part of a whole-school approach to preventing gender-based violence and building respectful relationships.
The Practical Guide to Love, Sex and Relationships for Years 7-10 (2015) – a teaching resource with activities exploring relationships, sexual consent, equity and sexual and reproductive health. It was written by Jenny Walsh, with Anne Mitchell and Mandy Hudson of the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society (ARCSHS), La Trobe University, funded by the Australian Government. This resource is based on:
- Professor Moira Carmody’s groundbreaking Sex and Ethics research and education project.
- Results of the Fifth National Survey of Australian Secondary Students and Sexual Health 2013 (Anne Mitchell, Kent Patrick, Wendy Heywood, Pamela Blackman, Marian Pitts).
Sex Education Australia, based in Victoria, delivers sex education to primary and secondary schools, universities and to parents.
Sexual Health Victoria provides contraception options, relationship and sexuality education and pregnancy options. SHV offers education resources for teachers, classroom sessions and courses for teachers and schools.
No longer available:
Useful resources for schools.
- Catching On Early – Teaching and Learning Activities for primary schools − This is an evidence-based resource founded on the latest research into sexuality education and child sexual development. It was recently updated in 2013 to reflect the AusVELS curriculum. Its development-based program is designed to help schools teach the sexuality education components in the Health and Physical Education and Interpersonal Development domains. This resource provides a comprehensive sexuality education program for students from prep through to year 6. The collaborative support of the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society, La Trobe University, has been critical in the development of this resource.
- Catching on Later – Teaching and Learning Activities for secondary schools – This new classroom resource was released in 2013 and includes a set of sequential learning activities for students in Years 7-10. An addition to Catching on Earlyfor primary school students and the 2004 Catching on For Years 9 and 10, this resource includes a set of evidence-based learning activities around key topics for adolescents such as body image, sexual health and relationships. Aligned to the AusVELS, the introduction of Catching On Later in conjunction with Catching on Early, ensures that every compulsory year-level is supported by comprehensive sexuality education resources.