ACT Health YouTube giving young people an insight into the day to day realities, both rewarding and challenging of being a parent. And another: Breastfeeding Give it a Go
Dr Marie – live webchat for support with an unplanned pregnancy, freecall: 1800 003 707
Karinya House for mothers and babies – a community based organisation providing case management and supported accommodation for women who are pregnant or newly parenting. Karinya House has four supported accommodation places, and seven semi-independent residences.
St Vincent de Paul Young Parent’s Program targets the needs of young parents aged up to 25 years of age who are at risk of, or experiencing, homelessness.
Programs not now available to young parents:
Young Parents – Youth Coalition of the ACT – provides list of services and advice to providers. Now a mental health service.
Lanyon Young Parents Group YWCA Mura Lanyon Youth and Community Centre, YWCA & Tuggeranong Child and Family Centre A group for young mums and dads and young pregnant women to come together to socialise and share experiences. Focuses on children’s development and personal development as a parent and individual.
Teen Family Centre Community Program for young parents in education in Girrawheen, Koondoola, Westminster, Balga or Mirrabooka – provides personal and parenting support, outreach and home visits, workshops, activities, excursions and social networks with other young parents. Now a more general service.