Department of Family and Social Support – Young Parents website refers to general pregnancy and family planning, babies and early childhood health, parenting advice, immunisation and emergency and after hours help. Also Raising Children Network. Refers to Young Parents programs in Townsville and SE Queensland (see below).
The Department of Education recognises that young parents and especially young mothers who leave school early, face greater hardship and poverty than young people who complete their education. Therefore, enhancing educational opportunities and improving outcomes for all students remains a priority. The Department is committed to supporting the retention of pregnant and parenting students in schools and acknowledges that one of the most effective ways to minimise the risk of negative outcomes in terms of health, welfare and educational achievement is to support pregnant young women and young parents to remain connected to learning. Read more here. See more details under Schools – Qld menu
The Association of Women Educators (Qld-based)
In 2009, AWE successfully applied to the Australian Government Office for Women for assistance to run a national symposium in Brisbane to bring together stakeholders from a variety of fields to share information and insights on the supports which best minimise the risks young parents and their children may encounter.
What it Takes provides an outline of AWE’s support for pregnant and parenting young people, and information about the 2009 symposium, detailed case studies of community and school-based programs for pregnant and parenting young people, an overview of effective practice and makes recommendations for the future. Download it here. The AWE’s Redress Journal, August 2016 features articles on pregnant and parenting teenagers.
Dr Marie – live webchat for support with an unplanned pregnancy, freecall: 1800 003 707
Brisbane services
Encircle Young Parents Program is a free service for young pregnant and parenting families (up to age 23, where the age of first pregnancy was 19 years or under) living in the Greater North Brisbane region. It provides pregnancy and parenting groups where families can meet and connect with other young parents and learn from each other as they navigate pregnancy and parenthood together.
Micah Projects South Brisbane Young Mothers for Young Women – provides family support, peer-led education, advocacy, early childhood programs and access to specialised antenatal care for young, pregnant and parenting women, 25 years and under, their children and families.
yourtown – Glugor Young Parents Program provides practical parenting support to help with child development, life skills, and health and wellbeing activities in safe, supportive environments in Deception Bay (and Port Pirie SA).
The Southside Family Centre and Creche operated by Search Light Inc. provides on-site early education, child care and family support services to students attending school at Carinity Education – Southside in Sunnybank, Brisbane. The service operates a weekly Parenting Program and Peer Support group providing young mothers with the opportunity to gain essential parenting and life skills and to spend time sharing stories and parenting tips with other young mothers. Call 07 3397 8100.
Wesley Mission Brisbane – Young Parents Support Program for parents under 25 including child birthing and antenatal classes, information on looking after a new baby and support in accessing education and employment.
A Brave Life The Baby Bundle is a general program that partners directly with social workers, midwives and community organisations to see that Baby Bundles go directly to vulnerable mothers in need, who are facing a broad range of challenges such as poverty, domestic violence, trauma, relationship/family breakdowns, teenage pregnancy and homelessness.
Carbal Medical Centre, Toowoomba – Indigenous Young Parents Support during the antenatal, birthing, postnatal and early parenting period. Includes facilitating access to the health system and health education, addressing social factors such as access to adequate housing, financial security , alcohol tobacco and drug issues, domestic violence and parenting issues. Encourages school attendance or re-engagement with the education system and builds on strengths within families, communities and generational learning with elders to enhance life and parenting skills.
Queensland Youth Services Townsville Young Parents Program – assists parents under 25, their partners and their children through various projects, outreach and information and referral services including playgroups, individual case management and resources such as prams and cots. And Young Parents Support Program for Southern Queensland.
Hearts Pregnancy & Perinatal Support Upper Caboolture offers free counselling, life skills workshops, social groups, birth support and access to essential baby items.
Programs not now provided for young parents:
Children by Choice advice to young parents on available programs and accurate information and advice about sex and unplanned pregnancy. Youth Space covers relationships, sexual decision making, negotiating safe sex, am I pregnant?, telling someone I’m pregnant, pregnancy options, becoming a young dad, men and unplanned pregnancy and information for young parents.
Women’s Heath Queensland Wide A not for profit health promotion, information and education service for women and health professionals through Queensland. General advice on pregnancy contraception, breastfeeding and for teenage parents
Raise Foundation ran the Bump program for pregnant and parenting mums under the age of 23 – a mentoring program in which girls meet other young mums in their local area and have some much needed “me” time. Bump includes fortnightly workshops and mentoring meet ups with an experienced mum as a mentor. Bump graduates receive a TAFE Certificate I in Preparation for Work and Training once they complete the program. It is currently in two Brisbane areas – Woodbridge and Nundah and on the Gold Coast. Raise also offers Bump Up program; an advanced course achieving a Tafe Certificate II in Skills for Work and Training. Raise Foundation now provides general mentoring of young people.
Hearts Pregnancy & Perinatal Support Upper Caboolture offers free counselling, life skills workshops, social groups, birth support and access to essential baby items.