Better Health Channel – advice on unplanned pregnancy; issues to think about, counseling, pregnancy options, where to get help and things to remember. Also pregnancy & birth services, planning for a baby, tests, scans and appointments, newborn care, rights and responsibilities, programs and services. Advice on abortion services in Victoria.
The Women’s Hospital Fact sheets and a step by step guide for young pregnant women to help you work through your options.
Victorian Department of Health Advice on adoption and permanent care in Victoria
Therapeutic Residential Care targeting young mothers in out-of-home care
Cradle to Kinder provides ante and post-natal support for vulnerable young parents (by referral)
Raising children as a teenage parent
The is in its 10th year of operation. Raising Children Network works with a network of 400+ experts to translate scientific information into plain‐language resources. These networks span an extensive range of areas related to children and young people’s social, emotional and physical health, development and learning. Its content is embedded into child health records in several jurisdictions across Australia and championed by child and family health nurses, paediatricians and GPs, early childhood service providers and disability organisations. See here for teenage parents.
Sexual Health Victoria
The state’s leading provider of reproductive and sexual health services and expertise. Reliable info for young people and on all pregnancy options. Advice on contraception, sex and safety, puberty, sexual development. Clinics in Box Hill and Elizabeth Street, Melbourne. Fact sheets on a wide range of reproductive and sexual health topics.
Women’s Health Victoria
A useful website for women’s health issues, including teens.
Parentline Victoria tel. 13 22 89
Dr Marie – live webs hat for support with an unplanned pregnancy, freecall 1800 003 707
Melbourne City Mission Young & Pregnant Parenting service provides case management for housing, accessing baby goods, parenting information and registrations for young parents 16 to 25 and their children in the north and west of Melbourne who are at risk of or are experiencing homelessness. Offers a drop in centre in King Street.
Babes Project, Kilsyth & Frankston – assists women to engage with healthcare and supporting agencies, provides workshops in life skills and baby care, access to midwives, material aid and labour support. No age restrictions and accept self referrals, referrals from family, friends, other support and/or government agencies and hospitals. Call 1300 140 212
Rural & Regional
Young Parents Education Program at Foundation Learning Centre, Narre Warren is a community-based education and human services organisation offering a range of courses. It gives pregnant teens and young parents the opportunity to complete their education in a flexible learning environment. Students are encouraged to bring their babies to class with them, and a fully-qualified child care support worker will be onsite during each class to assist with care.
Students will undertake a VCAL course, available in levels Intermediate and Senior. Curriculum includes classes on developing work-related skills, personal development, literacy and numeracy. Integrated within these subjects will be skills and knowledge relevant to young parents. See here for the website. Contact Mary Tresize-Brown –, 03 9794 6921
Gateway Health Wodonga – Connecting Young Parents The project facilitates links between young parents and the community, strengthening connections between young parents under 20 and local services, as well as conducting social and learning groups for young parents, including an Indigenous Playgroup.
The Bridge Youth Service, Shepparton & Seymour – Support for young parents, including a specialist housing support program for young women aged 15-25 who are pregnant or parenting.
Young Parent Programs that are no longer available:
Ballarat Community Health PODS Young Parent Program in the City of Ballarat to support pregnant or parent under 23 year olds with a range of services that support them to continue or resume education or training. Includes life skills and relationship programs, financial counselling and referrals to service providers, including childcare, playgroups, pre and post-natal support,and psychiatric services.
Diversitat Youth, Geelong – Young Parents Program – Re-engagement in education with a Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning course 2 days a week for young mums and dads aged 15-21. Allows young parents to return to education whilst providing their own care for their young children.
Uniting Care Croydon – Starting out – a community-based support program for young mums providing pregnancy counseling, information, support groups, peer support, supported accommodation, help with legal financial childcare, employment and education.
Raise Foundation Bump program for pregnant and parenting mums under the age of 23 – a mentoring program in which girls meet other young mums in their local area and have some much needed “me” time. Raise also offers Bump Up program; an advanced course achieving a Tafe Certificate II in Skills for Work and Training. For more info, contact or call 0426 972 473.
Youth Support & Advocacy Service Abbotsford, Dandenong, Geelong, North West Melbourne and Frankston – Support for Young Parents up to 25 who are pregnant or raising children, are experiencing alcohol and/or other drug misuse, and are likely to have contact with Child Protection Services.