WA Department of Education – Child & Parent Centres provide parent workshops and groups, eg. positive parenting, protective behaviour, new parent and baby groups, young parent workshops and managing behaviour.
King Edward Memorial Hospital Adolescent Antenatal Clinic for young people at Women and Newborn Health Service. It provides specialised multidisciplinary antenatal care for young people up to the age of 18 years and who live in WA. This includes obstetric and midwifery care, social work support and psychology intervention from a team with special interest and expertise in the care of adolescents.
Dr Marie – live webchat for support with an unplanned pregnancy, freecall: 1800 003 707
Nixi Teen and Young Mums Group, Milligan Community Centre Bunbury support group for under 23 year olds who are mums or mums-to-be, 3 hours/week in school term during school term for 12 months. Offers social engagement with other young mums and free creche. Funded by WA Dept Social Services, run by Adult Learning Australia. contact:
Relationships WA course for adolescent parents –
- learning about the importance of staying connected with your teens
- exploring your changing role as a parent during the teen years
- developing a greater understanding of the teenage brain
- learning about the developmental stages that your children go through during the teenage years
- connecting with other parents of teenagers and sharing your challenges and wisdom
Parkerville Children & Youth Care – Young Women’s Program for young women who are experiencing homelessness, at imminent risk of homelessness or who need help to live independently, can find safety and help at the Young Women’s Program. Geared to females aged 16-25 years, the program accommodates young women with babies and single women who need shelter and independent living support. Clients can stay for up to 18 months.
Anglicare Young Parents Support Service, provides assistance and advocacy for at risk young people up to 25 years old, who are pregnant or have children.The service offers outreach, where a worker meets in home or an out of office location. During these visits, the worker may provide information and support, referral to other services, advocacy and informal counselling.
St John of God Horizon House Young Mother and Baby Program, Perth provides accommodation and intensive support during pregnancy and up to the baby’s first birthday, transitional accommodation and support for young mothers with a child aged up to three years and outreach support for young mothers who have transitioned to living independently.
Programs no longer provided for young parents:
Courses and programs for young parents funded by the WA Department of Local Government & Communities and delivered by various organisations in Kwinana, Duncraig, Balga, Langford, Mandurah, Booragoon, Wellard, Merriwa, Wilson, Brookdale and East Perth.
Rainbow Coast Neighbourhood Centre, Albany Mum’s the Word supporting pregnant and parenting young people in the Albany area has now been defunded.
Anglicare Young Parents Support Program, provides primary health care to young parents in Mandurah, Pinjarra and other areas of the Peel Region. Includes home visits, outreach mentoring, alternative education for young mothers, parenting skills, peer support, playgroup, onsite creche.