ABC News 12 September 2017 – A gynaecologist’s guide to good vulva and vagina health see here with the following tips:
- Wear cotton underwear
- Avoid G-string underwear. G-strings and close-fitting underwear — especially those made from synthetic fabrics — can encourage the transport of bacteria from the rectum into the vagina
- Change out of wet swimwear as soon as you can, and avoid staying in tight sweaty leggings
- Choose your period products carefully — where possible, go for 100 per cent cotton pads, tampons and liners
- Change your pads, tampons and liners frequently
- When going to the toilet, always wipe from front to back
- Don’t use soaps, douches or other cleaning products on your vulva or vagina — warm water washing is enough
Source: Jean Hailes for Women’s Health