NSW Government Health First Steps Parenting is for parents experiencing parenting difficulties with children aged 0-5. It provides home and centre-based support and groups for adolescent parents. Referrals are required from health professionals and community organisations. The Centre operates from Newcastle with outreach to Maitland, Port Stephens and Lake Macquarie local government areas.
Reiby Juvenile Justice Centre in partnership with Karitane provides Parenting Programs in Custody
Family Planning NSW The state’s leading provider of reproductive and sexual health services and are experts on contraception, pregnancy options, STIs, sexuality and sexual function. Its health promotion team specialises in youth and its service to the Blue Mountains, Hawkesbury and Penrith local government areas provides free condoms, school outreach bus, adolescent ante natal services at the Nepean Hospital, young parents network with information about parenting, recreational activities, developmental checks for baby, excursions, childcare and much more for parents under 21. For information and referral on reproductive and sexual health call Family Planning NSW talkline on 1300 658 886 FP NSW offers education and accredited courses for health care providers on sexual and reproductive health.
Parentline NSW – counseling and information about parenting issues 1300 130 052
Dr Marie – live webchat for support with an unplanned pregnancy, freecall: 1800 003 707
Karitane Young Parent Program – Village Connect is a three-part early intervention and prevention program aimed at re-engaging young parents back into tertiary education to receive formal qualifications and increase capacity for long-term employment. Young parents complete a six-month training program with accreditation for 8 units in Certificate III in Community Services from TAFE NSW. This is a free course for young parents under 24, based in Campbelltown. Places are limited to 10/year.
Australian Red Cross Young Parents Program works with parents aged 13 to 25 with complex needs. We use an evidence-based, child-centred and therapeutically-informed approach to help young parents build independence and confidence. Contact: Randwick 02 8383 7500, Parramatta 02 8383 7500, Gosford 02 4324 3411, Nowra 02 4428 4900.
Uniting Care Burnside, Wyong supports young parents with childhood health and development, parenting support and strategies and links to playgroups. Uniting Care Charm’d Pregnancy Group, Coffs Harbour, 1800 864 846 provides general parenting supports, fun gathering for young parents to discuss pregnancy and baby care in an informal environment.
Good Shepherd/YWCA Sydney Young Parents Program helps young mums (15-25 years) to develop the skills and confidence they need to create a supportive, nurturing environment, providing individual support and case management, access to parenting programs tailored to Young Parents and weekly playgroups.
Rural and regional
Port Stephens Family & Neighbourhood Services – Young Parents Group offers a space where young parents can meet, share experiences and parenting tips, access support and have some fun and relaxation.
First Steps Parenting Centre offers the Maitland and Port Stephens local government areas access to a Young Parent Social Worker. The social worker can provide individual and group support to parents who are 24 and under, who are pregnant or whose youngest child is under the age of 8. Groups are run at various different locations with support of other community partners.
CatholicCare Sydney Hope Program helps young women aged up to 25 who are pregnant or have a child under five years with pregnancy support, child development education, parenting strategies, playgroups.
Programs no longer provided for young parents:
Sydney Local Health District Young Parents Team for under 20s and pregnant living in Ashfield, Burwood, Canada Bay, Canterbury, City of Sydney, Leichhardt and Marrickville. Provides ante-natal education and support from 36 weeks, home visits, speech pathology, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, nutritionist, counselling, children’s medical services.
South Eastern Sydney Local Health District – Sydney and South East Sydney Young Parents services directory and playgroups.
Raise Foundation ran the Bump program for pregnant and parenting mums under the age of 23 – a mentoring program. Bump graduates received a TAFE Certificate I in Preparation for Work and Training once they completed the program, Newcastle, Swansea, Narrabeen, Randwick, Dulwich Hill and Parramatta.
Benevolent Society – Macarthur and Camden Local Government Areas – Foundations for Young Parents – preparation for parenthood, playgroup.
Salvation Army Oasis Youth Support Network – works with at-risk and disadvantaged parents aged between 16 and 25 and their children; providing weekly therapeutic, educational and social support. Now provides more general housing support for young parents.