The Queensland Family and Child Commission Insights Paper is an excellent report on current issues for young parents in Queensland and outlines some of the barriers to help-seeking that young parents face before and after childbirth, as well as those things that enable them to access support. It is intended to add to the evidence available on young parenting in Queensland … .....[more]

Children’s Rights Report
The former Children's Commissioner, Megan Mitchell, reported on her 2017 inquiry into the needs of young parents. See Chapter 3 of Megan Mitchell's Report. So far, the Australian Government, to
For young people
The Young Mothers Transition Program (YMTP) in southeast region of Melbourne has been given philanthropic funding from three generous funders to enable the ongoing operation of the program and continue to meet the needs of young mothers and their babies to complete education and secure … [More...]
For professionals
This is a free digital, interactive course, created for young mothers to improve their mental health literacy. It was also co-designed with lived experience participants. Health professionals who work with young mothers can use this course in to support their practice. This project was led by Dr Arianne Reis at Western Sydney University, funded by Emerging […]
Young Mothers Transition Program funded!
The Young Mothers Transition Program (YMTP) in southeast region of Melbourne has been given philanthropic funding from … [More...]
Young Well Beings program launched
This is a free digital, interactive course, created for young mothers to improve their mental health literacy. It was … [More...]
NSW announces $9m for young parents
Young women and their children in south-western Sydney will be assisted with funding for a support app, a digital … [More...]
We are for The Voice!
This vote will give all Australians the chance to come together and consider a change to our constitution that will … [More...]
New school for young parents in North Melbourne
St Joseph's Flexible Learning Centre is a specialist secondary school for young people aged 12-25 who have disengaged, … [More...]
Birthing classes in Canberra
This First Steps Pregnancy Support program is a 6-week evening course on Mondays from 7 - 9:15pm, commencing November … [More...]